رابط كتب اللغة العربية والتربية ا لإسلامية

International & Indigenous Languages Program – Elementary
For Families & Students:
Paperback copies
The price will be $26, this is the new discount code so, they can use it to buy the books; Website: WWW.SINDBADGLOBAL.COM
Discount Code: OCDSB22
Please note: this coupon is used when making the payment.
FREE CD for students:
Special for OCDSB: with any purchase of any Arabic book or without, the parent will receive a link to download the CD for FREE; From the following link: https://caspeducation.com/%d8%b3%d9%8a%d8%٨af%d9%8a%d8%a7%d8%aa-cds/
Online eBooks & Interactive Books…(OPTIONAL)
Further information and prices will be provided when the platform is ready.
Please note:
For any inquiry, please call Mr. Mohammed Qahtan:
Phone: 416-558-0436