الصف الثامن – تاريخ 26-10-2024
واجب العربي
1- تسليم الواجب الشهري لشهر اكتوبر
2- ترجمة نص ( الحضارة الإسلامية ) إلى اللغة العربية بدون الرجوع إلى مواقع الترجمة
الحضارة الإسلامية
Islamic civilization is often considered one of the greatest in history, starting in the seventh century AD with the spread of Islam worldwide. It was known for its diversity, tolerance, and cultural richness.
Over time, Islamic civilization made incredible progress in various fields like science, arts, medicine, maths, and literature. Muslim scholars played a significant role in this progress, making important discoveries and innovations that influenced the world.
Many of their works were translated into different languages, spreading their knowledge globally. Some famous scholars include Al-Farabi and Ibn Sina in medicine, Al-Khwarizmi in maths, and Ibn Al-Haytham in optics. Their contributions have left a lasting impact on our understanding of the world.
واجب الدين :
حفظ الآيات من سورة الكهف (1-12)